Thursday, January 21, 2010

The Latest on The Bond Family

Hello friends and family,

I wanted to give you all an update on our progress with the move and in our lives.

The Mustard Seed

I have been working to get the first edition of the Mustard Seed ready for print and mailing. It is finished and now I just need to get it printed up and sent out to anyone that is interested in receiving it. My vision for The Mustard Seed is to be a resource for the body of Christ based on messages and revelations I get from The Lord from the palce of ministering to His Heart both night and day. In the first edition, I have a teaching on John 13 and Jesus, The Servant as well as the latest news on our family and what God is teaching me in the context of ministering to my family. I am currently working on the articles for the next few editions. I am working on a series on the Sermon on the Mount that I am being really blessed by so of course my vision is to pass that blessing on to all of you as well. It is making my heart so alive to study this out!!! I am also going to be including articles for the average person. These articles are going to be focused more on ministry in the context of the family, our number one mission field. The Lord has given me some really awesome insights and challenges that I am looking forward to growing into with all of you. Be in prayer concerning The Mustard Seed out out of Ephesians 1:17-19 and Colossians 1:9.

If you would like to receive The Mustard Seed, please respond to this email with your home mailing address.


Leaving OHOP is going to be hard. I have grown to love all of the people here and across Florida. The Lord has knitted so many hearts together with our own here in Florida. I'm going to miss everyone here greatly. I have been continuing my commitment to the prayer room here on a very flexible basis while I focus my efforts on raising funds for our move to Kansas City while still keeping my 6 am to noon schedule. I have been really giving myself to the Sermon on The Mount and the Study of the fruit of the Spirit while in the prayer room. It has been awesome as The Lord has sent so many people to OHOP to serve as musicians, intercessors and singers. When I heard that I was to leave, Iw as worried about OHOP being understaffed and being in need of musicians but God has sent many to take my place and I feel that OHOP will be even stronger when I leave. I love knowing that things are going strong here at OHOP and that I am leaving at a time when it will not detriment the community here. That is a huge blessing.

Progress on The Move to Kansas City

I have only been home for a little over 2 weeks and already we have raised up $1200 for our move to KC!!! I am so excited as God is giving us more and more confidence that He is with us for this move and that we are within His will and blessing. We are raising money for a minivan for the family and for our tuition for the Intro to IHOP-KC internship as well as asking for friends and family to partner with us so that we can increase our monthly budget to around $2000 a month so that we have no lack while we are in IHOP-KC and so that we can focus on serving The Lord on Staff at IHOP after the internship while doing short term missions from IHOP. We are going up to IHOP to be equipped to better serve the body of Christ and to preach the gospel to the nations of the earth. We are currently at $1200 a month is pledged support. We are well on our way to seeing all of our financial goals met. I'm asking all of you to pray for us, that God would put it on the right people's hearts to fund us and this move. I also ask that you would pray and ask God if He would have you fund us either monthly or a one time gift of any amount. Even the smallest amounts will be a blessing to us.

The Bond Family is.......

Growing!!!! While I was in Kansas City a few weeks ago, Erika had a dream where she saw herself great with child and she heard God speak the name, "Zechariah". A few days later she took a pregnancy test guest it....she is pregnant. I'm assuming it's a boy named Zechariah. However, while Erika was pregnant with Asher, I had a dream where Erika gave birth to a girl named Anna in the lobby of IHOP. So it could be a girl, either way, we have names from The Lord for both either way. We are looking forward to meeting the newest Bond. Erika is about a month or so pregnant so she is in the first trimester. We are asking you all to pray for her health and for the health of the baby in her womb. We are nervous about the babies health because of what happened with Asher. We really don't want to relive anything like that again anytime soon with this baby. We are praying that this one is healthy and happy and blessed in every way.

So there you have it. the latest on the Bond family. We are blessed to be sharing our lives with all of you. We love to hear from you so feel free to send us messages or prayer requests. We would be happy to partner with you in prayer.

Bless you in the Name of Jesus!!!

M@ Bond


shashank said...

Here is a link to more information about the genetics of Deletion 22q11.2 Syndrome that was prepared by our genetic counselor and which has links to some useful resources for those dealing with this condition: There is also a phone number listed if you need to speak to a genetic counselor by phone. I hope it helps. Thanks, AccessDNA

Christine said...

Congratulations on your latest blessing! Praying for you!